Monday, March 31, 2014


This morning I checked out the wisdom of the Society of Saint John in Cambridge, MA and watched their short daily video.  Today's theme touched on the gift of listening.   The prophet Isaiah asks "what shall I cry" (Isaiah 40:6); and I ask the same, adding to it "what shall I hear?"  The Jewish affirmation of faith  comes to mind "Hear O Israel the LORD our God, the LORD is one" (Deuteronomy 40:6).  When I listen to another person with the knowledge of our universal human experience, our oneness in God,  I can be a channel of at-one-ment or atonement. Here is a prayer from  my book The Heavenly Body:
Prayer for the Ears

Creator of hearing, I pray for the healing of
__(name)__’s ears.   May __(name)__ hear the Good News.
May (he/she) listen for your Word.
Stop __(name)__’s ears to the sounds of destruction,
and open them to your love.